Anti-Hero was originally formed in the bay area by guitarist and vocalist Calvin Adrian in 2014, although it did not have a stable line-up until 2017 when he re-located the band to Los Angeles. Almost immediately bassist and fellow metal maniac Justin Ellis was added to the roster, and was eventually joined by guitarist Neil Metcalf and drummer Ben Richardson. The first show they performed was in competition at the battle of the bands to open at Ozzfest. After gigging in the LA area for a couple years, developoing a prescense within the underground metal scene and releasing a demo for the single "Get The Lead Out", the band realized it was time to record, and hit the studio in Summer 2018. After going through a succession of different drummers, and dealing with multiple setbacks during the recording process, the band's debut release "Rolling Thunder" EP was finally completed April 2019, with David Goldberg on drums.
Anti-Hero has always brought a message of heavy metal pride and face-melting thrash metal riffs, and has not changed!!! In addition to its thrash metal roots Anti-Hero's sound has been in improved upon by Neil Metcalf's jazz fusion influenced guitar work, and NWOBHM and classic heavy metal styled songs. You can find Anti-Hero playing in the local Los Angeles metal scene alongside other thrash metal bands!!! Anti-Hero will continue playing regular shows in the Los Angeles area and will be going on tour June 2019 in support of the new EP, alongside bay area thrashers Phantom Witch!!! Anti-Hero also has plans to release a full length album in 2019, stay tuned on social media for announcements and updates!!! \m/ \m/